Friday, November 11, 2011


Finally! The last day of blogging! I enjoyed blogging in school becasue no other teacher/class would allow us to do I thought that was a really good idea. Before this class, I would consider myself a strong reader. It was hard to find time to read during school...but when I did start to read, I wouldn't stop. I would sit in my chair in my room with my snuggie and read.  I would read all different types of books. It was always finding books that interested me, my best friend Sarah would always recommend me books that she read, such as Karen Kingsbury and the other one I forget, but some are days when I go to the Allen County Public Library and try to look for books, and never seem to find any good ones.  Then, I would be at Sarah's house and would see a book sitting there and then would end up reading it. So that's mostly how I find all my books.

It was somewhat easy meeting the 150 pages, but with other classes, I found it difficult some weeks. I can't listen to music and read because I end up singing to the song, then loose my focus on the book. I mostly loose myself in the reading ,but of course there are times when the book is going nowhere and boring so I check my phone and text. I usually talk about the books I read with Sarah, since we both read them and we share out opinions about them.  During summer is the time I read the most just because I have spare time. I'm not sure what I will read next....wish I would have finished Breaking Dawn but didn't have time. THE MOVIE IS NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!! YAYYY! So excited. I'm not one of those obsessive people. I'm just excited. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Soo..I'm watching X factor while I'm blogging, I'm glad they sent that group home! Anyway, back to my's good but kinda disturbing at the same time... there are parts that I don't understand. Stephanie has NO money whatsoever and she has nothing to eat and just moved out of her parents house. To pay for her bills and food, she gets a job that involves catching this criminal, who nobody can get, to bring him in and get paid for it.  She hires another man to help her find his creep, (the same guy who played that creepy game).  I understand why the book is called "one for the money." It's dangerous for her to find him on her own because he's a murder and she could get here...I would think there are plenty of other ways to get money...and not to catch a murder...the word "murder" is a turnoff for me haha. We just booked our plane tickets for Spring Break....sweeeeeeeeet!!! So excited for Orlando. Even though we are done blogging, I am still planning on reading every week, depending on how much spare time I have.. adios!

Last week of blogging!

This is our last week of blogging, I don't know if I will continue doing this or not, but it's kinda nice not having to worry about getting this done. I always wait until the last minute to do it.  I kinda like just looking at random peoples blogs...I have no idea who any of them are. Anyway...only 7 more days until Breaking Dawn, soooo excited!!!  I don't really understand this whole anthology's like I get it, but then I don't. I wish we could continue blogging and get rid of that vocab! It's getting harder as it goes. I feel like al my teachers like giving me homework and tests all at one time.  :((  I'm ready for Thanksgiving!!  I love this month because we're getting ready for Christmas, but I HATE January and Febuary because it's depressing and there is nothing to look forward to. :(( Spring break needs to come ASAP!!!!! It snowed today, which made me happy because I love winter, but HATE driving in ice and snow...that just ruins it. I am always so scared I'm gonna slide off the side of the road or something and hurt my car, or someone else. I go like 5 mph and people get mad, but hey I'm being cautious! Anyway, I started on another book called "One for the money" by Janet Evanovich. It's really good so far, there's a series of like a million books, more like 10 or so, but same thing. As young kids, the little boy down the road from Stephanie was a little boy who liked to play this game called "You're the tunnel, I'm the train:" It's a SICK game and I don't wanna go into details, but it's basically rape.  They were little kids, age 10, how on earth did they know what that kind of stuff was? I didn't even know what a lot of things meant until like 8th grade haha.

Friday, November 4, 2011


For a total of two weeks, I have read 370 pages in the Atonement Child and Breaking Dawn.

Sentences of the week:
1. "People don't respect the lives of others, they only care about themselves."
2. "Under your circumstances, it it okay."
3. "Whatever you chose, always know that God is with you. In good times and in bad."
--The Atonement Child was a hard book to read because it dealt with abortion. I don't believe in abortions unless there are certain circumstances, like this one. Rape. On the other hand, people who do "it" and then have an abortion makes me loose respect for you because you couldn't keep your leg shuts, then you kill a baby because your bad choice?

Books so far;

Thursday, November 3, 2011

15 more days untill...

15 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE MIDNIGHT PREMIERE OF BREAKING DAWN!!! SO VERY EXCITED. I FEEL LIKE TYPING MY POST IN ALL CAPS TODAY, SO DON'T THINK IM MAD AND YELLING AT YOU! EVEN THOUGH I FEEL LIKE I AM YELLING AT YOU, IM NOT. THIS IS RATHER ANNOYING, BUT IM GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY. ANYWAYS, IVE BEEN REALLY TIRED LATELY, DONT KNOW WHY. ALL I WANNA DO IS N-A-P, WHICH ISN'T GOOD BECAUSE I ALWAYS HAVE SO MUCH CRAP TO DO.  ANYWAY, I DID FINISH THAT ATONEMENT CHILD BOOK AND AM NOW BEGINNING ON BREAKING DAWN. I PROBABLY won't finish it, but I will at least have some idea on what will happen.  I have a tendancy to fall asleep during movies...every single movie I watch haha and i dont know why..but it's really annoying. I've read 30 pages in breaking dawn and so far its starting out kinda boring, but I am positive that it will gett a lot better. Everyone says that Edward Cullen is hot...I really don't think he's even that cute..JACOB IS HOT.The book is 700 pages long, so it might take me a couple weeks to finish. So far, it starts out with Bella getting married to Edward and she's going to turn  into a vampire. They are so cute together!