Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How life can change..

I have started to read a new book that is called Beautiful Boy written by David Sheff. Nic, the main character in the book, is a drug addict who doesn't know what he wants to do in life. He is a very troubled young man. His parents are divorced so I'm sure that took a small toll causing him to be in the wrong crowd with drugs, but that's not the entire story. He has gone to numerous hospitals to try and fix his problems, but nothing seems to work. His father, Charles, tries everything possible to help his messed up child, but nothing seems to give. At first, I didn't think anyone was going to help him because he didn't care to try to fix his own problems, but his father was very interested in making sure he didn't die or live on the streets. Everyday I thank God for allowing me to have a wonderful family who cares about me deeply and for not having serious problems that effect me and my family and friends. People all have all types of problems, whether they are big or small, but how people choose to handle them is the main concern. I am very thankful to have parents who would do anything for me and who always look out for me, no matter the situation. We all make bad decisions at times in our life, that's life. But having the support by loved ones is key. Later into the reading, I wasn't surprised to see how many times his dad took Nic to get help. That's what a father's job is. I just don't see why people choose to do drugs, it's messes everything up and to me that is pointless. You can have fun by doing other things, not getting high. Everything can start to change with one wrong decision, and Nic still doesn't understand that.

Friday, August 26, 2011


I am reading Learing by Karen Kingsbury and have read 153 pages this week.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sentences of the Week

Thank you, God...thank You for the truth.
To me, this means that God will tell me the truth, no matter if I want to hear it or not. We learn in school to always tell the truth to others, but telling ourself the truth is the most important lesson to learn. 

We not only learn to respect ourselves, but others as well.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. 
No matter what I do in life, God will always be there to help me through things and support me. He gives me strength, courage, and love. 


Karen Kingsbury seems to tie fate, love , God and happiness into her books. There is not one book that doesn't express these qualities. She uses passages from the bible to complete the thoughts of the characters and how they handle the situation. She ties situations that teenagers today go through, so it's easy to relate to. Karen knows how to grab the readers attention by the images and picture she paints. Her stories make me question what I believe in and how I would handle the paths I will cross.
The families she writes about have their own sets of problems like everyone these days. No one family is perfect. In one family, the father was a firefighter and loved his job very much, but when his asthma attacks happen, he can no longer put out fires. He is upset because he can't do what he loves most and cannot support his family. My family has problems just like everyone else. That's life. People will come across bumps in the road and have to get through it with the people they love by their sides. God is always by my side and always knows what's best for my family and I.


It's hard sometimes to choose the right thing to do, but in situations like these, you need to think about your career, future, family and yourself. Forgetting the past is hard to do, but being thankful for what you have now is important. Love is something that not everyone experiences in their lifetime and people sometimes don't realize that. On the other hand, if you are truly in love like Cody and Bailey, a person should go with their heart sometimes, rather then their head. Deep down, Bailey and Cody know they fell for each other a long time ago, but they for some reason don't want to admit that and that confuses me. They need to forget all the bad things that has happened and move on!

Second Blog!

Bailey and Cody have been best friends for quite some time, but as the years go by, their friendship seems to take a spill. They both have different aspirations in life which lead to unusual lives. Cody is a football coach at a high school and Bailey is a Broadway dancer in New York City. Bailey and Cody constantly remind themselves of how much they miss each other and think of all the good and bad memories they shared. I wish they would reunite and not only become friends, but become married. They are so much alike is so many ways and that's what make them perfect for each other. Bailey and her family have helped Cody out in numerous ways with his alcoholic problem. I'm glad he came to his senses about how dangerous it was and the damages mentally and physically it took on his life. Cheyenne, his friend that was in an accident, is improving physically. Cody is there by here side 24/7 and she is very lucky to have such a good friend like him, caring for her all hours of the day. Staying with Cheyenne is leading into thoughts about Bailey and he will have flashbacks about when he was staying with the Flanagans, a few years back. I want him to realize he made a mistake and go live with Bailey in New York. I'm sure there are plenty of football teams there to coach. I agree with Bailey with pursuing her career but she needs to open up and let Cody in.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

First blog!

Not really sure how to do this, but I'm excited to start blogging about random things!