Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Second Blog!

Bailey and Cody have been best friends for quite some time, but as the years go by, their friendship seems to take a spill. They both have different aspirations in life which lead to unusual lives. Cody is a football coach at a high school and Bailey is a Broadway dancer in New York City. Bailey and Cody constantly remind themselves of how much they miss each other and think of all the good and bad memories they shared. I wish they would reunite and not only become friends, but become married. They are so much alike is so many ways and that's what make them perfect for each other. Bailey and her family have helped Cody out in numerous ways with his alcoholic problem. I'm glad he came to his senses about how dangerous it was and the damages mentally and physically it took on his life. Cheyenne, his friend that was in an accident, is improving physically. Cody is there by here side 24/7 and she is very lucky to have such a good friend like him, caring for her all hours of the day. Staying with Cheyenne is leading into thoughts about Bailey and he will have flashbacks about when he was staying with the Flanagans, a few years back. I want him to realize he made a mistake and go live with Bailey in New York. I'm sure there are plenty of football teams there to coach. I agree with Bailey with pursuing her career but she needs to open up and let Cody in.

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