Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Karen Kingsbury seems to tie fate, love , God and happiness into her books. There is not one book that doesn't express these qualities. She uses passages from the bible to complete the thoughts of the characters and how they handle the situation. She ties situations that teenagers today go through, so it's easy to relate to. Karen knows how to grab the readers attention by the images and picture she paints. Her stories make me question what I believe in and how I would handle the paths I will cross.
The families she writes about have their own sets of problems like everyone these days. No one family is perfect. In one family, the father was a firefighter and loved his job very much, but when his asthma attacks happen, he can no longer put out fires. He is upset because he can't do what he loves most and cannot support his family. My family has problems just like everyone else. That's life. People will come across bumps in the road and have to get through it with the people they love by their sides. God is always by my side and always knows what's best for my family and I.

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