Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gross weather!

SO, I'm REALLY sick of this crappy weather! It makes me superrrr tired and I always want to nap. Not good! And it's super cold out so all I want to do is wear sweatshirts all the time! Anyway, I finished my book Just Listen and it was really good! I predicted what would happen, but that's kinda how all books are. Her life got better toward the end, which was obvious. Her and Owen liked each other, but they focused a lot on music rather then their feelings. Owen would always listen to music and he had his own radio station so they would do that and go to gigs ( spelled that wrong) and just chill there. Uhh, my eyes keep closing I'm soo tired!  I was roaming through Mr. Hill's library and saw a book called "Odd Girl Out" and I have seen that movie on Lifetime, it was sooo good, but heartbreaking at the same time. I can't believe how mean girls can get. I don't see a lot of bullying going on at Homestead, I'm sure there is, but I don't notice any. But I honestly don't see the point in being mean to anther human being. It's one thing to say something, but to start calling them names and hitting them and pulling their hair... I don't get it. You would think by now that people would know to keep things to themselves, but instead they want to start drama and rumors. WHO FREAKING CARES. Get a life! I have better things to do then sit there and gossip about girls. People don't realize what that can do to someone. You hear those stories about teenagers committing suicide and that's sad to here that all because they were getting bullied. I get upset when I see someone at school sitting by themselves at lunch. People can be so mean and it hurts to see that. I know I'm not an angel and yes I can be mean...but I will NEVER bully or do anything to hurt someone.  I just think of myself and picture if that were me and how I would feel.  My sister is in 5th grade and she comes home to tell me how these little ten year olds are being mean to girls and how they call them names and etc...that is horrible. At that age they should be enjoying elementary school and recess and  not having so many responsibilities.  

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