Thursday, October 13, 2011

No school and delay!

So, I was very happy to have Wednesday off and then have a delay today! What a perfect week! I have soo much stuff to do today for tomorrow and I'm freaking out about my math quartely! I just wanna sleep all the time! But I've been reading more of my book, it keeps getting good and I wanna keep reading, but I have to study for 4 tests tomorrow! But so far,  I can relate to some of the stuff she's going with. Her sister is anorexic, that is NOT what I can relate to, but I can understand how she is feeling. I don't know anyone who is anorexic, but you can just tell by looking at some people that walk in the hallways that are like breakable if you touch them because they are SO FREAKING SKINNY. I don't get the point in that, you don't look skinny, you look sick and gross. Big difference. I love food way to much to ever do that to myself. Anyway, her sister is going through anorexia and Annabel has to watch her and try to help her. I couldn't imagine what she has to go through though, seeing her own sister suffer from that. At first, her two older sisters knew about it and Kirsten wanted to tell the parents but Whitney wanted to keep it a secret, which was stupid. The truth finally came out and a few days later..she ended up in the hospital because her body wasn't getting enough nutrients. 
She's having trouble at school with her friend, Sophie, but I'm not sure why yet. I'm just glad I have a friend who is always there for me and cares about me. Some people have friends, but not best friends and I am very blessed and fortunate to have one  :) But her friend is calling her a whore, which is stupid. Grow up. You would think by now that people would keep things to themselves instead of calling people names, I thought we did that in 5th grade? Apparently not. You have to be careful who you trust these days. I'm anxious to see how things go with Owen, a friend she makes later on in the book. 
I really hate the ads that play when I'm listening to Pandora. That was random, I know. I'm very excited for this weekend to R.E.L.A.X.  and watch football. Hopefully NO homework! Well, it was fun blogging for like the millionth time this year! Now time to study :

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