Thursday, October 27, 2011


Sweeet, no school tomorrow!!! Finally a day to sleep in!  I failed at reading The Help, but I've started a new book called "The Atonement Child." It's really good, but REALLY sad and kinda depressing. I've read 200 pages in two days and i am going to finish the book this weekend. This is my first time reading a book by this author and I want to read more of her books. In the first chapter...she gets raped... definitely wasn't expecting that! I thought maybe it would get better...wrong. It gets worse. Not only does she get raped, but she finds out she is pregnant from the person who raped her. It's heartbreaking. I couldn't imagine the pain she must have through, or anyone for that matter. And now she has to decide if she wants to have an abortion. That's such a hard decision to make. Ethan, her fiance wants to have an abortion, but being raised the way she was, she doesn't believe in that. She understands that it is legal, but doesn't think it's the right option. She decides to break off her engagement with Ethan, quit school, and move back home. It's strange and sad because her mom went through the same thing. She was raped and had the abortion. But she tells Dynah that she will understand either decision. I feel likes it drawn out a little too long about her decision on if she wants to get an abortion. Just tell me already! I don't believe in abortions, however, in her case, I do. If you were raped, i think thats the only case where it is okay. On the other hand, if you can't keep your legs shut, you should pay the price. Just because you couldn't say no, you have to kill a baby? That bugs me so much. I just don't get it. It's so wrong. But I understand that people have their opinions. 

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