Friday, November 11, 2011


Finally! The last day of blogging! I enjoyed blogging in school becasue no other teacher/class would allow us to do I thought that was a really good idea. Before this class, I would consider myself a strong reader. It was hard to find time to read during school...but when I did start to read, I wouldn't stop. I would sit in my chair in my room with my snuggie and read.  I would read all different types of books. It was always finding books that interested me, my best friend Sarah would always recommend me books that she read, such as Karen Kingsbury and the other one I forget, but some are days when I go to the Allen County Public Library and try to look for books, and never seem to find any good ones.  Then, I would be at Sarah's house and would see a book sitting there and then would end up reading it. So that's mostly how I find all my books.

It was somewhat easy meeting the 150 pages, but with other classes, I found it difficult some weeks. I can't listen to music and read because I end up singing to the song, then loose my focus on the book. I mostly loose myself in the reading ,but of course there are times when the book is going nowhere and boring so I check my phone and text. I usually talk about the books I read with Sarah, since we both read them and we share out opinions about them.  During summer is the time I read the most just because I have spare time. I'm not sure what I will read next....wish I would have finished Breaking Dawn but didn't have time. THE MOVIE IS NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!! YAYYY! So excited. I'm not one of those obsessive people. I'm just excited. :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Soo..I'm watching X factor while I'm blogging, I'm glad they sent that group home! Anyway, back to my's good but kinda disturbing at the same time... there are parts that I don't understand. Stephanie has NO money whatsoever and she has nothing to eat and just moved out of her parents house. To pay for her bills and food, she gets a job that involves catching this criminal, who nobody can get, to bring him in and get paid for it.  She hires another man to help her find his creep, (the same guy who played that creepy game).  I understand why the book is called "one for the money." It's dangerous for her to find him on her own because he's a murder and she could get here...I would think there are plenty of other ways to get money...and not to catch a murder...the word "murder" is a turnoff for me haha. We just booked our plane tickets for Spring Break....sweeeeeeeeet!!! So excited for Orlando. Even though we are done blogging, I am still planning on reading every week, depending on how much spare time I have.. adios!

Last week of blogging!

This is our last week of blogging, I don't know if I will continue doing this or not, but it's kinda nice not having to worry about getting this done. I always wait until the last minute to do it.  I kinda like just looking at random peoples blogs...I have no idea who any of them are. Anyway...only 7 more days until Breaking Dawn, soooo excited!!!  I don't really understand this whole anthology's like I get it, but then I don't. I wish we could continue blogging and get rid of that vocab! It's getting harder as it goes. I feel like al my teachers like giving me homework and tests all at one time.  :((  I'm ready for Thanksgiving!!  I love this month because we're getting ready for Christmas, but I HATE January and Febuary because it's depressing and there is nothing to look forward to. :(( Spring break needs to come ASAP!!!!! It snowed today, which made me happy because I love winter, but HATE driving in ice and snow...that just ruins it. I am always so scared I'm gonna slide off the side of the road or something and hurt my car, or someone else. I go like 5 mph and people get mad, but hey I'm being cautious! Anyway, I started on another book called "One for the money" by Janet Evanovich. It's really good so far, there's a series of like a million books, more like 10 or so, but same thing. As young kids, the little boy down the road from Stephanie was a little boy who liked to play this game called "You're the tunnel, I'm the train:" It's a SICK game and I don't wanna go into details, but it's basically rape.  They were little kids, age 10, how on earth did they know what that kind of stuff was? I didn't even know what a lot of things meant until like 8th grade haha.

Friday, November 4, 2011


For a total of two weeks, I have read 370 pages in the Atonement Child and Breaking Dawn.

Sentences of the week:
1. "People don't respect the lives of others, they only care about themselves."
2. "Under your circumstances, it it okay."
3. "Whatever you chose, always know that God is with you. In good times and in bad."
--The Atonement Child was a hard book to read because it dealt with abortion. I don't believe in abortions unless there are certain circumstances, like this one. Rape. On the other hand, people who do "it" and then have an abortion makes me loose respect for you because you couldn't keep your leg shuts, then you kill a baby because your bad choice?

Books so far;

Thursday, November 3, 2011

15 more days untill...

15 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE MIDNIGHT PREMIERE OF BREAKING DAWN!!! SO VERY EXCITED. I FEEL LIKE TYPING MY POST IN ALL CAPS TODAY, SO DON'T THINK IM MAD AND YELLING AT YOU! EVEN THOUGH I FEEL LIKE I AM YELLING AT YOU, IM NOT. THIS IS RATHER ANNOYING, BUT IM GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY. ANYWAYS, IVE BEEN REALLY TIRED LATELY, DONT KNOW WHY. ALL I WANNA DO IS N-A-P, WHICH ISN'T GOOD BECAUSE I ALWAYS HAVE SO MUCH CRAP TO DO.  ANYWAY, I DID FINISH THAT ATONEMENT CHILD BOOK AND AM NOW BEGINNING ON BREAKING DAWN. I PROBABLY won't finish it, but I will at least have some idea on what will happen.  I have a tendancy to fall asleep during movies...every single movie I watch haha and i dont know why..but it's really annoying. I've read 30 pages in breaking dawn and so far its starting out kinda boring, but I am positive that it will gett a lot better. Everyone says that Edward Cullen is hot...I really don't think he's even that cute..JACOB IS HOT.The book is 700 pages long, so it might take me a couple weeks to finish. So far, it starts out with Bella getting married to Edward and she's going to turn  into a vampire. They are so cute together!  

Monday, October 31, 2011


It's almost time to trick or treat! Just getting ready to put my costume on..i'm going to be Snooki! ...just kidding. I think I am a little too old to go trick or treating, I mean I do love free candy but that is for youngins. My mom bought some good candy so my motto this year for Halloween is "I give, I get" so everytime I give a piece of candy, I get to eat one myself! After I run out of candy, I will probably start giving out bananas, pennies, maybe some dental floss...who knows..whatever I see first! I kinda wanna scare just one little kid tonight to see if they go running to their mom or if they are tough and just want the candy..but that would be really mean for me to I won't! On another note, I finished "The Atonement Child" and it was really good! I finished it this weekend like i said  i would. I couldn't put it down, I was reading it until 12:15 last night. Dynah decided to keep her baby, which kinda irritated me, but made me happy at the same time. That is such a hard decision to make and she felt that she made the right one, so she moved on with her life. I didn't really like the name she named it haha but that doesn't matter. Whoever comes to my door as a jersey shore character will be getting ten pieces of candy from me. Anway, I think I'm going to read "Breaking Dawn" which is the last book of the series "Twilight." I read the other three books, but my motivation has failed to read the 4th one. My goal is to read it before going to the midnight premiere, but not sure that is gonna happen! WHY CAN'T KIDS SAY "TRICK OR TREAT" ??? I don't get it! IT'S THREE EASY WORDS!!! If you want free candy, you're gonna say it! They just look at me like GIVE ME THE FREAKING CANDY! :) I remember the days when I went trick or treating. I would get home and sort through all my candy to see which ones were nasty and which were the best! Then I would give the gross ones to my grandma and hide all the good ones in my room. My mom would always wonder where the candy went...she never found out..I must be THAT good at hiding things.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3

Soooo...I just got back from seeing was good! Sooo much better then the first and second one. It was jumpy, but not THAT scary. I just wish I could find a movie that scared me so bad! But I have failed to do so! I should just create my own scary movie! TOMORROW=SLEEPING IN..yay!!! Then Olive Garden for lunch, then babysitting the rest of the day/evening. I am determined to finish this book tomorrow or Saturday! It's so good, I am anxious to see what other one she has wrote. I hope the rest of the book gets better because starting the first chapter with rape is nuts, not to mention sad. I think she will keep the baby because she seems very determined to that she will not abort it, but then you never know what goes through peoples heads. It's just sad that these poor little babies have sucky parents that are always getting wasted and trashed and the kids have to be exposed to that. What kinda of parent does that? What happened to teaching good morals and values to your kids? It's like people are getting more irresponsible as time goes by and it effects so many people. People don't consider all their options and just jump right to conclusions then in the end, make the wrong decision. 


Sweeet, no school tomorrow!!! Finally a day to sleep in!  I failed at reading The Help, but I've started a new book called "The Atonement Child." It's really good, but REALLY sad and kinda depressing. I've read 200 pages in two days and i am going to finish the book this weekend. This is my first time reading a book by this author and I want to read more of her books. In the first chapter...she gets raped... definitely wasn't expecting that! I thought maybe it would get better...wrong. It gets worse. Not only does she get raped, but she finds out she is pregnant from the person who raped her. It's heartbreaking. I couldn't imagine the pain she must have through, or anyone for that matter. And now she has to decide if she wants to have an abortion. That's such a hard decision to make. Ethan, her fiance wants to have an abortion, but being raised the way she was, she doesn't believe in that. She understands that it is legal, but doesn't think it's the right option. She decides to break off her engagement with Ethan, quit school, and move back home. It's strange and sad because her mom went through the same thing. She was raped and had the abortion. But she tells Dynah that she will understand either decision. I feel likes it drawn out a little too long about her decision on if she wants to get an abortion. Just tell me already! I don't believe in abortions, however, in her case, I do. If you were raped, i think thats the only case where it is okay. On the other hand, if you can't keep your legs shut, you should pay the price. Just because you couldn't say no, you have to kill a baby? That bugs me so much. I just don't get it. It's so wrong. But I understand that people have their opinions. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Close Reading Bingo

Weakness #1. Avoid "he says" quote
1. "He says in the beginning that he wrote the book for them, as a way of telling the soldiers families what happened over there when the soldiers themselves couldn't tell."
Weakness # 6. Avoid the verbs "use"
2. As the passage goes on, the author uses phrases like "He's got a lot of dough" and "they're also touchy as hell" to make it feel as though the narrator is just another regular kid who is telling you a story.
Weakness # 7
3. :"With the use of his realistic descriptions, the promt was easily visualized."
Weakness # 9 Don't say "this" without putting a noun or phrase after it
They too convey the narrator's "crumby" perspective on others' lives and successes.

MY FAVORITE IS...... (My best friend)
I finished reading The Atonement Child this weekend and I loved it. It is so much shorter than any of Francine Rivers's other books, which makes it a perfect choice for any readers new to her. The main girl roams free. She decides to move out of her house because her father wants to force her to have an abortion, calling the baby an "abomination." Her mother tries to voice her opinion that she needs to make her own decision, which splits her parents deeper than they have ever split before. They both try to undergo counseling, but the mother truly needs to be able to accept that she has had abortion herself and all the feelings that come with it. She has never been able to do so. The husband has never quite forgiven her for having a relationship with another man, much less another possible child. Luckily, the abused daughter finds someone who is truly on her side no matter what.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Catcher and Rye

In the excerpt from "The Catcher and Rye," J. D. Salinger's boisterous and energetic banter depicts the comedy in his young life. J.D. uses common words to describe his past, such as "crap" and "lousy". His writing shows that he will write whatever comes to mind, saying that his parents "would have about two hemorrhages apiece if I told anything pretty personal about them," shows that he doesn't really care what he says, just wants to get his point across. He writes with common and blunt diction and doesn't have a wide use of words. 

Whoops.. I didn't press "publish post" bad!

Whoops.. I didn't press "publish post" bad

I never really knew you
You were just another friend
But when I got to know you,
I let my heart unbend.
I couldn't help past memories
that would only make me cry
I had to forget my first love
and give love another try
So I've fallen in love with you
and I'll never let you go
I love you more than anyone
I just had to let you know
And if you ever wonder why
I don't know what I'll say
But I'll never stop loving you
each and every day
My feelings for you will never change
Just know my feelings are true
Just remember one thing
I Love You!

by Angel Baby

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Currently! Style Mapping

Favorite style mappings: 

1.  Fittingly, the first page of this chapter is written with extremely lowbrow vulgarities. There are nine swear words in less than a paragraph of text. Furthermore, the sentences are long, rambling, and nowhere near grammatically correct. (A scrap of parchment)
2. For example, when she writes “Accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings” it shows her high diction. (bill963).
3. It is much more connotative in language than Gaiman's selection, the words are used to portray either a negative image of the harsh effects of the elements of nature, or a positive, charismatic image of a simple country boy. (New Zealander
4. While in Neil Gaiman's excerpt from "Stardust" has a low but blunt and familiar language. "Stardust" could also be described as denotative because of it's straight-forwardness and literal characterization. (Case 1)
5.  The tone is connotative because it has an emotional feel to it and it describes the poetic and lyrical emotions of young love.( T-Rex)

-I chose these sentences because as I was reading them, they really stuck out to me. The words caught my attention  because they were unusual words that I wouldn't use in everyday talk. They were pretty good, mine didn't really make sense but that's okay!

Pages this week: 200
Pages this semester: 1567


TOMORROW IS FRIDAY...thank god! Best day of the week! Anyway, I've read like ten pages of the help and it's REALLY hard to read fast because of the way she talks. "Taking care a white babies, that's what I do, along with all the cooking and the cleaning. I done raised seventeen kids in my lifetime. I know how to get them babies to sleep, stop crying, and go in the toilet bowl before they mamas even get out a bed in the morning." 
... Yeah that takes a little more time to read because it's hard to talk like that! I'm going to try to read some more this weekend, I heard it's good along with the movie. 

Gross weather!

SO, I'm REALLY sick of this crappy weather! It makes me superrrr tired and I always want to nap. Not good! And it's super cold out so all I want to do is wear sweatshirts all the time! Anyway, I finished my book Just Listen and it was really good! I predicted what would happen, but that's kinda how all books are. Her life got better toward the end, which was obvious. Her and Owen liked each other, but they focused a lot on music rather then their feelings. Owen would always listen to music and he had his own radio station so they would do that and go to gigs ( spelled that wrong) and just chill there. Uhh, my eyes keep closing I'm soo tired!  I was roaming through Mr. Hill's library and saw a book called "Odd Girl Out" and I have seen that movie on Lifetime, it was sooo good, but heartbreaking at the same time. I can't believe how mean girls can get. I don't see a lot of bullying going on at Homestead, I'm sure there is, but I don't notice any. But I honestly don't see the point in being mean to anther human being. It's one thing to say something, but to start calling them names and hitting them and pulling their hair... I don't get it. You would think by now that people would know to keep things to themselves, but instead they want to start drama and rumors. WHO FREAKING CARES. Get a life! I have better things to do then sit there and gossip about girls. People don't realize what that can do to someone. You hear those stories about teenagers committing suicide and that's sad to here that all because they were getting bullied. I get upset when I see someone at school sitting by themselves at lunch. People can be so mean and it hurts to see that. I know I'm not an angel and yes I can be mean...but I will NEVER bully or do anything to hurt someone.  I just think of myself and picture if that were me and how I would feel.  My sister is in 5th grade and she comes home to tell me how these little ten year olds are being mean to girls and how they call them names and etc...that is horrible. At that age they should be enjoying elementary school and recess and  not having so many responsibilities.  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Style Mapping"

In the three novels I am focusing on are,  Odd Girl Out by Rachel Simmons, The Girl She Left Behind by Karen Brichoux, and The Help by Kathryn Stockett show different elevations and common ways of saying certain things. In the excerpt from Odd Girl Out, Rachel Simmons uses a scholarly use of grating high school students, girls especially. "Girls are secretive, they destroy you from the inside," qualifies as being straightfoward and harsh, although a little of the truth.  In the excerpt from The Help, Kathryn's literal meaning of certain things are common and colloquial in ways that makes her writing unique.  Her words are not harsh, but they are not musical by any means.  In the last excerpt I read in  The Girl She Left Behind, focuses mainly on the common diction that many writers use. There are many blunt words over the page and has good use of  figurative language. 

I probably did that wrong, but I tried.. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Thankfully, this quarter went by so fast! Next semester, I gotta kick it in gear and work extra hard. My independent reading has improved from the first we started this. Instead of reading on, I take time to react to different situations and see if and how they relate to my life.  I always tell myself I'm gonna stop at a certian page, but then I get so into it that I keep on going then stop an horu later. I find myself reading more at night then during the day. I try to finish my homework before I read, but sometimes I get bored and just start reading. I usually sit on my futon and snuggle up in my snuggie and read, it's quote comfy. My challlange for next quarter is to start reading more maybe then what I do now.

Pages this week: 151
Pages this semester: 1367

No school and delay!

So, I was very happy to have Wednesday off and then have a delay today! What a perfect week! I have soo much stuff to do today for tomorrow and I'm freaking out about my math quartely! I just wanna sleep all the time! But I've been reading more of my book, it keeps getting good and I wanna keep reading, but I have to study for 4 tests tomorrow! But so far,  I can relate to some of the stuff she's going with. Her sister is anorexic, that is NOT what I can relate to, but I can understand how she is feeling. I don't know anyone who is anorexic, but you can just tell by looking at some people that walk in the hallways that are like breakable if you touch them because they are SO FREAKING SKINNY. I don't get the point in that, you don't look skinny, you look sick and gross. Big difference. I love food way to much to ever do that to myself. Anyway, her sister is going through anorexia and Annabel has to watch her and try to help her. I couldn't imagine what she has to go through though, seeing her own sister suffer from that. At first, her two older sisters knew about it and Kirsten wanted to tell the parents but Whitney wanted to keep it a secret, which was stupid. The truth finally came out and a few days later..she ended up in the hospital because her body wasn't getting enough nutrients. 
She's having trouble at school with her friend, Sophie, but I'm not sure why yet. I'm just glad I have a friend who is always there for me and cares about me. Some people have friends, but not best friends and I am very blessed and fortunate to have one  :) But her friend is calling her a whore, which is stupid. Grow up. You would think by now that people would keep things to themselves instead of calling people names, I thought we did that in 5th grade? Apparently not. You have to be careful who you trust these days. I'm anxious to see how things go with Owen, a friend she makes later on in the book. 
I really hate the ads that play when I'm listening to Pandora. That was random, I know. I'm very excited for this weekend to R.E.L.A.X.  and watch football. Hopefully NO homework! Well, it was fun blogging for like the millionth time this year! Now time to study :

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Right now, I'm reading "Just Listen," and it's really good. Last night I read about 50 pages while I was watching the Lions and Bears game! Go Lions! But I told myself I would stop at a certain page, then ten minutes later, I was still reading! Time goes fast when you're really into your book. So far, this girl is a model and her two best friends hate her. I don't know what happened yet, but I willl soon find out! I don't hate anybody, but I will admit to not liking some people! I don't get the need for starting drama and what's a waste of time. But that's okay, I guess some people still need to grow up!

Sentences of the Quarter

Up to today, I have read 1216 pages. I'm current reading "Just Listen."
Favorite sentences of the quarter:
1. "My little girl is growing up so fast, it felt like just yesterday she was being born."
2. "I might struggle with this all my life...but the point is I have to keep fighting."3. "You will believe in God before this is over."

These are by far my favorite sentences of the quarter because when I read these the first time, I thought about my life and how I can relate. I read these over and over again and go back to my childhood and think about all the memories I have. I stuggle with certain things, but I just have to keep moving on and getting past certain things.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Sentences of the week: 
1. I acquired the nickname "Strangler" for choking some loser. He passed out and we took off before he came to. " 
   -Hahaha, I LOL'd at this. 
2. "Honey, you look so beautiful in that dress!" "Dad, are you drink?" 
3. "The way I was looking at it, I had no time." 
   -Man I feel the same way! 
Week 7:
Pages this week: 170
Pages this semester: 1216
Books so far:
-Along for the Ride
-Beautiful Boy
-The Day we Disappeared