Friday, September 30, 2011


Sentences of the week:
1. "Why did this creepy man shoot me? What the hell did I do to him?"
2. "My little girl is growing up so fast, it felt like just yesterday she was being born."
3. " These people in this town are freaking nuts, why did we choose to live here?"

Sentence number 2 kinda depresses me because I think about my life and see that I'm growing up so fast and am starting to have so many more responsibilities and it sucks. I wish I were a little kid again, playing games and reading books in school,  having recess everyday and so much more. Now I'm thinking about college and it's kinda depressing :(

Week 6
Pages read: 153
Pages this semester: 1048

Books so far:
-Along for the Ride
-Beautiful Boy
-The Day we Disappeared (currently)

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I don't really know what else to say in my blog other then I'm stressed and tired of school!
And I'm REALLY  not looking forward to taking my SAT this Saturday at 745 in the freaking morning! :(
I want to start another book but I cant find time to read two books and do homework...not possible!  I wish this book would get interesting but it's just now.   I really want to finish it, but my motivation level is...low. I am a person who judges books by their title. Not gonna lie. I saw this book and was like this looks good, I'm gonna buy it. I thought I would try something different, other then Sarah Dessan and Karen Kingsbury books. Kinda regret doing that now, but whatever. I really want Winter Break to be here...and spring break...and senior skip days...ahh soo many fun days..but too far away! The little girl on the cover of the book is so freaking cute! Thats a reason why I bought it was because she was cute and it looked good. This girls name is Cylin? What kind of name is that? It sounds like some idk...but it's werid. I would hate to have that name...cylin!  Um, no gracias!

Police officer.

This week has gone by super fast, but very stressful at the same time. I don't think I've ever had this much homework before. I feel like I am always doing hw or studying for tests and quizzes in pretty much all of my classes. I wish teachers would realize that we have lives too. Piling on the homework isn't fun for us. Uhhh! Anyway, I started to read my new book and it's kinda boring right now. I try to make myself keep reading so i can get my 150 pages and I'm doing good, but it's like it's taking forever to realize the real problem or conflict in the book. The little girl's dad is a police officer. Before they can go home, they have assigned roads they have to check to make sure everyone is okay. So her dad is checking one of the roads he's assigned and finds this motorist on the side so he goes to check on him and this guy is creepy. If I were a police officer, I would be scared crapless to go up to someones car and see what was wrong. They could have a gun, or something, but I know I would be very nervous to do that.  So after the guy told him everything was okay, the officer went on driving home when he was shot. He thought that whoever shot him obsiovoulsy wanted him dead. His car almost went through these peoples house and the little girl that lived in the house opened the door to see what had happened and found the officer lying there, with blood everywhere. She was a little shocked that his police office was laying in yard, bleeding. Her parents ran to the door after hearing the shot made and called an EMS. 
The police officer, I forget his name, said he always wrote down license plate numbers, what people looked like, and where he was at all times. He then realizes that if he doesnt stop the bleeding, he may die. Now if I were a cop that got shot, idk what I would do, other then be scared. I think cops deserve a lot more credit then what they get. I have never been pulled over by the police, thank god! I do, and I will admit, I speed like 5 over. But never more. I don't wanna get pulled over so i avoid going more over! I am kinda scared of cops those because they always look mean and intimidating. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Favorite sentences of the month:
1. "The truth is, people pick on those who shine." 
2. I might struggle with this all my life...but the point is I have to keep fighting."
3. "You will believe in God before this is over."
These are my favorite sentences because when I read them they made me think about certain things and I can relate to these everyday.

Pages this week: 243
Pages this semester: 895
Books so far: Learning, Beautiful Boy, Along for the Ride.

New book/homecoming!

I'm now starting a new book called, "The Year We Disappeared." It's about a family whose life is in danger when the dad, a cop, was shot by a creep and they don't know who it is. There is a little who in the book and shes's 9...I can't imagine the things she will go through being at age 9 and having her dad shot and being followed by creepers with no lives. PEOPLE ARE SERIOUSLY CRAZY! There are so many crazy stories with nuts-o people. Why are people so weird and deranged? I love reading mystery/action books, those are the ones that i can never put down. I'm glad I'm not psycho like some people. The family is forced to leave everything they have and be under watch by the police so nothing happens to the family. She even has to go to school while the police are watching her....okay...that's creepy. Not even being able to walk to school without having the popo's watch to make sure you're thanks. I wanna say it's someone in the family maybe that shot him? Idk..we will soon find out! Hope everyone has a fun time at the Homecoming Game…don’t do anything stupid! If you go to the dance, please don’t grind. That’s very disturbing. Hahaha. Dances are for gay little freshman. :)

Life Goes On.

I finished the book Along for the Ride, it was sooo good!!! I couldn't put it down. It was another one of those books where there were some things I could relate to. I would read it whenever I got the chance. I bought another book by Sarah Dessen and I'm excited to read that one too. I have like three more books by her then i think im done. It's been a really long week. Too many tests to study for and too much homework. But, the homecoming game is tomorrow, that's exciting! The pep rally's are always stupid but hey it gets me out of class! So about the book....she ends up going to spend the summer with her dad and step mom and she has a lot of fun, including a crush named Eli. They hang out every night after dark to eat and just chill. Auden's dad lives on the beach so she just walks along the beach everyday. Wish I lived somewhere nice that hot all year round near the beach and water...I don't like how it's getting colder now,  I love summer. Anyway, she flirts with one of the girls that she works with, which in the end, turns out fine. I could tell they had something for each other in a couple of parts and of course, as predicted, they get mad at each other, then in the end they tell each other...shockerrrrrr. Auden is very studious and that's all she wants to do, but there are times when I think she wanted to just not care for a while and go do things and have fun with her new friends that she made. It would be kinda cool to go live a summer away from everything and just focus on few things and just have fun. Life just goes by too fast. With school and everything, it's hard to do certain things and it sucksss. It feels like just yesterday, I was starting my first day of Kindergarten, taking pictures with my awesome pack back and being cool because we could have snacks in the classroom. And now, I'm a senior in high school, thinking about how I want to spend the rest of my's a scary feeling!!!! There are so many things to consider and it's just very confusing. Thinking about marriage and having's exciting but kinda depressing at the same time. There will be so many more responsibilities and just so much to take in. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Class Claims

5 Class Claims

This passionate picture shows a strong sturctured, elegant ballet dancer expressing her confident sharp body language, elegant attire, and complex poised position. 
The soothing, cheerful melodies and harmonies, light vocal istrrumentation, and playful, relaxed rhythms in McFerrin's song, depicts a mood of lighthearted cheerfulness and soothing rejuvenation. 
In this video of Adele preforming "Someone Like You" live, the audiance hears her explosive, elegant voice, with lyrics that have a powerful, motionless, old-fashioned message to them that creats a tranquil vibe throughout the theater.
The Ground Zero Memorial in New York, where the Twin Towers once stood, is a sincere and gorgeous memorial for all the ones who died on 9/11. The beautiful waterfall is a wonderful and memorable idea to fill the empty spot where the towers once stood. People visit this touching, unique and magnificent memorial from all over the world. 
Hog Smog Blog:
This picture displays a blaring, earthshaking sound as the up-tempo crowd yells and roars while Beason shows great excitement and aggressiveness as he takes the field very authoritative and intensely out of a tunnel where the panther is posing viciously and wrathfully.

My favorite would have to be the video of Adele because I love her music and the claim is very true about her elegant voice. She's an amazing singer and she does create message to get the vibe out.
My other favorite is the ballet dancer because I enjoy watching people dance and expressing their elegance.

Eddie-Ballet Dancer
T-Rex-Someone Like You

Monday, September 19, 2011

Tonight Tonight

Posture: proper, unusual, explosive

Sound: upbeat, melodic, loud, dominating

Choreography: upbeat, open, talented, aggressive

Space: chaotic, interactive 


In the video by Hot Chelle Rae, their aggressive and dominating choreography brings a melodic sound that comes along with proper posture. Their talented use of moves and chaotic space, brings the upbeat and fun groove.


I can hear him, 
now, even in darkness
a trickster under the moon,
bristing his feathers, 
sounding as merry
as a man whistling in a straw hat
or a squeaky gate
to the playground, left ajar
or the linging of a star
having wandered too far
from the pasture.

-Judith Harris

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


"The truth is, people pick on those who shine." 
-This is my favorite sentence of the week because I see it all the time. It happens especially at school. People get mad at others when they know what they want in life and the other person is jealous, so they pick on them.

"Sometimes we feel like the world is against us...and there are many days when we're the eagle. But other times we're the crow."

"And that's just what God wants us to do." 

Pages this week:  154
Pages this semester: 622
Books so far: Learning, Beautiful Boy, and Along for the Ride.

I've started a new book called Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen. I've read almost all of her books and absolutely love them. This book deals with divorce and hard times for Auden, another story I can relate to. My parents got divorced when I was in 6th grade, so I know how she feels about everything. It's not easy to go through, especially when you don't quite understand what happens. We had to move houses, which forced me to move school and I HATED it at the time. I didn't know one person at Woodside. It was a sucky! But as it turned out, I was happy with the way it turned out. I loved all the teachers and MOST of my classmates were nice haha. Auden is sure she wants to live with her dad during the summer, but it turns out she thought wrong. She doesn't think she fits in with her dads family and sometimes has no idea what she wants to do with herself. I sometimes think about what my life would have been like if my parents hadn't gotten divorced, but then I realize how lucky I am right now to have what I do and thank God everyday for what he has given me. 

September 11th

September 11th ... I remember being in second grade and watching it on TV and was scared out of my mind. Even though that happened 10 years ago, I remember clearly what happened. My teacher was explaining to us what was happening and this weird kid started to cry and so I remember walking up to him and telling him it was going to be okay. I wish I were a little kid still, have no responsibilities, not worry about everything all the time, have nap and snack time. Those were the days. And now all I do is study and get everything ready for college. So much to do, so little time. It was very weird today because I was reading my book and I see the words "Ground Zero" and "New York".  On a few pages, 9-11 was discussed...weird considering it was two days ago and I'm coming across it. It broke my heart to see those people tracing the names of the person they lost and placing roses by them . It makes me realize how lucky I am and makes me gracious of everything I have and that I shouldn't take things for granted. So many people were killed that day and I can't  being to imagine the pain of hearing the news of loosing a loved one.  Reading those few pages brought back the memories to the day in class when it happened.

Bailey and Cody don't talk to each other and Brandon asks Bailey to be his girlfriend. She accepts, which annoys me because her and Cody are meant to be !! Cody has a girlfriend now and she is very supportive of his football coaching and is always at all the games to cheer him and his team on! Hopefully the next book she writes has a good them getting married and having kids! I love reading her books because they are both young and know what they want in life...which I can relate to. I finished that book so hopefully the third book in the series comes out soon! 

Uhhhh, I'M TIRED OUT SCHOOL. I wish I had more time to doing things, but with homework and studying, it's hard to do. :(  I'm tired of school, I just want to be done!!!! It's my senior year and I'm sooo excited!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


"I might struggle with this all my life...but the point is I have to keep fighting."
-I read this quote and can relate to it. No matter how much of a struggle something is, I have to keep fighting.

"Whenever you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and armies bigger then yours.."

"So let go, let go of the past now.."

Pages this week: 160
Pages this semester: 468

Helpful hands.

Wasn't expecting that! One of the girls died from an overdose.  It irritates me when skinny people think they are fat!!!!! She was taking diet pills and wasn't getting enough nutrients. Luckily, Bailey told her that she needed to get help and pray to God, but she didn't believe in God. But it was too late. The doctors told them there were nothing they could do. If I were in Bailey's shoes, I wouldn't even know what to say or do. I would be at a loss for words. If I saw one of my friends die because of something I could have said or done, I would feel horrible. Feel like it's all my fault. Even if I didn't know someone that well, I would still feel like there was something more I could have done. This has never happened to me and I hope it never does. Loosing someone is very difficult, especially if you have a very strong relationship with them. Everyone knows the feeling when loosing someone they love. People expect the moving on part to happen within a few days, but when thinking about all the memories and experiences with that person, it's hard to just keep going with life. God has a plan for everybody and I guess that was his plan for her....people don't always agree with it, but that's how it goes. It sucks. As for Cody, his football team is trying to get first place to get a chance at winning $3,000. They are trying to help a little 8 year old who has cancer to be able to pay for her medical pills. And another man who had no money or family and couldn't attend college. They wanted to help these people because they wanted to become a family and do what God planned for these 2 people. At first, they don't seem like much of a family, but as time goes by, they realize that every single football player is part of the family. They succeed in getting first place and winning the money. Could have predicted that! It was nice reading about people helping other people, who they didn't know. If only that happened everyday in the real world. Others helping others.

Past love.

I am switching back between a few book and am back to reading Learning. Bailey finally found her talent on Broadway and in a sudden instant, lost it. She was having so much fun and nothing everything has changed. She had no idea that this wasn't working for the producer. She was left with a decision to either come back and work her heart out, or to not show up and find something else. This happens all the time to people. You love something so much that you would do anything for, then in a heartbeat, it's gone. I can relate so much to Bailey with having something that I love doing then loosing it. It's nothing really something we can control, but I guess that's our fate. Bailey didn't ever think that she wasn't good enough and didn't fit in, but now that it was brought to her attention, it makes sense to her. We all feel like that sometimes in our life.  Either we don't compare to other people or just aren't good enough to do something, like a job, school or talent, etc. People soon realize that whatever they do, it's never good enough.  I hate how Bailey doesn't quit Broadway right away and run back to Cody. They love each other, I just wish they would realize that!!! They both know deep down that they are meant to be, but just won't admit to it! Relationships, as I have seen in the book, are super complicated. Boys are stupid and rude!!!!! :) I wish things weren't so confusing all the time and some things in life just came easy.

Friday, September 2, 2011

I took the personality test and suprisingly, it was correct. I thought that it would be wayy off but it was right on. The last time I took a personality test and it was way off. It told me that I was a crazy person? :ast time I checked, I wasn't crazy! Maybe people think I am...but who cares!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reality Check.

Reading this book has really opened my eyes. It's made me realize that one bad decision can not only effect yourself, but others around you. I have learned a lot about drugs in this book and how bad the damages really are. In high school, a lot of people decide to start doing drugs because they think it"s cool, want to fit in, or just want to have fun. That's ridiculous. There are plenty of other ways to have fun with your friends. A lot of people make it a habit of doing it throughout the week or on the weekends after football games, etc. Our parents try so hard to teach us good values and morals and in high school people start coming out of their shells and want to experience new things. Drinking and doing drugs is not something I want to experience because I think it's stupid. If people want to screw up their lives because they do that nonsense, that's fine. Don't sit there and complain about why your life is screwed up. You chose to do it, so you should pay the consequences. There was a list of all the drugs that Nic had done and it's crazy to see how he hasn't died yet. I've never heard of half the ones that were listed, which shows my interest in them. It seems that kids these days start younger and younger with trying new things. Do their parents not know what their child is doing?!
"You will believe in God before this is over."

"He's in God's hands"

"At some point, parents may become inured to a child's self destruction, but I do not."

Pages this week: 155
Total this semester: 315

Books so far: Learning and Beautiful Boy.