Wednesday, September 14, 2011

September 11th

September 11th ... I remember being in second grade and watching it on TV and was scared out of my mind. Even though that happened 10 years ago, I remember clearly what happened. My teacher was explaining to us what was happening and this weird kid started to cry and so I remember walking up to him and telling him it was going to be okay. I wish I were a little kid still, have no responsibilities, not worry about everything all the time, have nap and snack time. Those were the days. And now all I do is study and get everything ready for college. So much to do, so little time. It was very weird today because I was reading my book and I see the words "Ground Zero" and "New York".  On a few pages, 9-11 was discussed...weird considering it was two days ago and I'm coming across it. It broke my heart to see those people tracing the names of the person they lost and placing roses by them . It makes me realize how lucky I am and makes me gracious of everything I have and that I shouldn't take things for granted. So many people were killed that day and I can't  being to imagine the pain of hearing the news of loosing a loved one.  Reading those few pages brought back the memories to the day in class when it happened.

Bailey and Cody don't talk to each other and Brandon asks Bailey to be his girlfriend. She accepts, which annoys me because her and Cody are meant to be !! Cody has a girlfriend now and she is very supportive of his football coaching and is always at all the games to cheer him and his team on! Hopefully the next book she writes has a good them getting married and having kids! I love reading her books because they are both young and know what they want in life...which I can relate to. I finished that book so hopefully the third book in the series comes out soon! 

Uhhhh, I'M TIRED OUT SCHOOL. I wish I had more time to doing things, but with homework and studying, it's hard to do. :(  I'm tired of school, I just want to be done!!!! It's my senior year and I'm sooo excited!

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